Tenant Handbook


Boston Properties, Inc. would like to thank you for choosing Wisconsin Place for your new place of business. The Property Management Team would also like to welcome you to the best-managed facilities in Chevy Chase, Maryland. We are proud to be affiliated with this property and to be able to provide you the best possible service. We are dedicated to this project and will do everything to make your stay as pleasant and comfortable as possible.

This Handbook will answer a lot of your questions but please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need clarification or just want to talk to us. Please don’t hesitate to bring any concern, no matter how big or small to our attention. In this way we can help take care of the little matters before they become major issues.

We look forward to working with you and help your business grow. Knowing you have someone here that can take care of the building and help you with miscellaneous work orders affords you more time to concentrate on your own business.